So here we go

Right so i finished tonights session on a wicked hand which is my first big bb hand
check it out
The 2nd session didnt start off too well . Just finished watching DodgyKens video and decide to put the short stack all in. In future i try and do that a little earlier.
Like before hes hit his straight !!
Then a tricky spot with JJ and after my experience the other night I thought i was behind. Was this a good fold ?
This was pretty weak i think . Should i have C bet the flop . I just thought my 4s were weak . Is this marginal ?
I went into the tank a little here !! Hated the flop...thought trips all over...
But this is a must bet situation...i closed my eyes...drew back the me !!
so after tonights session 737 hands +$87.80 V$PIP 17.07 PFR 14.63
Hand 1: I wouldn't open push on the turn, as you will scare off anyone you beat. I'd make a normal continuation bet on the turn, and either call his push or push over the top if he raises. I think he'd be more likely to raise you with a jack than to call, and he could also be semi-bluffing.
Hand 2: Without a good read/table history to the contrary, I think this fold is fine.
Hand 3: I think you need to c-bet this flop. It's not so much that you think your 4's are going to win, but that it's very difficult for villains to call you unless they have an ace. Generally, flops with an ace are good candidates for c-betting even 2 opponents, especially if they are otherwise dry, and this one is pretty dry (the ten notwithstanding).
Hand 4: I'm glad to see this hand win for you, as it seems lately I've been getting the worst of it in these situations, but I think you have to play it this way.
Mark gave you good answers so ill tell you how to move pics you let clik them ahnd hold it bring them down to where you want them and thats it , youll be left with big gaps everywhere so go back and fix them.
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