and this is looking better except for the sb but its green !!!

Kings making a comeback....but i thought i played it well....nice ace
So tonight session went well $ wise . I am now in the green . However there were a few tricky situations that i got into . Rob Racing words ( i hope ) about a few situations during the session making all the difference ring very true i feel.
Any way tonight 625 hands $90.75 no excursions into the 50 100 tonight !!
These were the hands i feel i want comments on
So i raised with the 3s . Obviously i must make a continuation bet . Im sure this would be expected although by checking i could perhaps show weakness on this flop
I get the call and then make a pot sized bet . The thing is can i get any more money here ? I am pretty sure that people would not worry about the odds for the flush here at these stakes ? or maybe i m wrong please correct me ?
Again on this hand i raise . I have been raising this guy all the time and im pretty sure hes expecting it so i dont .
The spade comes on the turn and so i make a value bet to increase the pot .
I hit the flush and then i am struggling with what to do . I am thinking i want to get a call so my bet should not be to big , but obvioulsy not too small .
I am also thinking there is an outside chance he has pocket 8s and slowplayed them on the turn
I suppose what i am wanting here is a way of being able to put this guy on that hand as i feel i could have bet more if i had known . Thats obvious i know... but do you know what i mean ? if i could have put him on chasing a flush too i may have stacked him off ?long i know !!
Finally my last hand
My worry here... is that i am looking to make a good fold or find out where i am
So i make the raise .... he re raises hes 28/14/3 i think a while . my thinking goes like this....i want to know where i am with the queens....if i call the re raise and the flop is not good or has an ace ill have to make a cbet on a crappy flop or fold....so how can i find out where i am now....my answer was to re raise as shown
now his all in im am pretty sure tells me exactly where i am.... i think
But is my thought process ok should i have been thinkg about finding out where i was
or should i have called and seen a flop ?
Hnad 1 KK )
I think you played this fine you got a nice payoff from some1 who really liked his hand. I think you should write that in your notes on this guy that he likes his AQ AK alot you can easily get this guy allin preflop when he has a big 1 by doing that you'll make more $ beacuse if that A dosent come hes done with the hand if you get allin he cant be.
Hand 2 33)
Again nice hit i think this is a perfect place to slow play give him a chance to hit something. You can take a small loss here to win big by him bluffing at it. I would do the same as you on the flop but i would sometimes check this turn to let him catch something. The flushes are always scary and almost every draw has a flush involved in it if your thinking about the odds you can be sure that some other players are to.
Hand 3 AKs)
You are running hot in this session. I dont like how you played this hand youve raised so you gotta be the aggrasior you should Cbet this flop your only getting raised by better and you can fold. By cbetting here you can check the turn and see the river for free. You bet out on the turn when draws lose all there value say that you bet 5 on the flop and get a call check the turn and see the river for free when you hit the river you can over bet it to make it look like your bluffing and he'll call you or raise you. Theres no way hes folding J10s once he hits the flush.
By betting the flop you have more ways of winning you can take it down there and then or hit on the turn or get the free river and hit there.
By checking the flop you lose them options they can bet and then your chaseing. If you hit the turn an bet you give away your hand plus your betting with wrong odds and going to be OOP on the river.So cbetting here is a better play imo.
Hand 4 QQ)
I like your thought process here and the fold is fine but he has a full buy in and you can setmine here its 3.50 or watever to call and see a flop if you hit a Q and he has bigger your getting all his chips. Players will do this with AK look at the guy from your 1st hand he would of done it with AQ if you put it to him. I think a call here is fine and revaluate on the flop.
Intresting hands stats on opponents would be a help to.
Good Luck man.
Hand 1: Very interesting way to play it. What were your thoughts behind your turn shove? I quite like the way you played it. It's definitely different to what I would have done, but I like the non-standard line.
Hand 2: You want to C-bet this flop every time. You have a spade draw to protect against, as well as the fact that he might have an A and give you some action. I think your turn bet is too big - I probably make it $8 ish - although it probably wouldn't have made any difference.
Hand 3: I think you played this fine. I sometimes C-bet this flop against 2 opponents, but often not. You could possibly bet more on the river, but if he doesn't have a flush a larger bet may price him out. I'm surprised he didn't raise - I think you were unlucky not to win more.
Hand 4: I don't really like 4-betting QQ here. I would either fold pre-flop, or call and re-evaluate based on his flop play. It's very tricky to play QQ out of position to a 3-bet though so, unless he's been getting out of line, a low variance play would be to fold it pre-flop. If you do call, you need to proceed cautiously on the flop.
Hand 2 with the 3's. I think you possibly need to bet more than half the pot here. I would put him on Ax with the play to date. I may have check raised on the turn to try and get more money, however the possible flush draw would be a concern. There's nothing wrong with betting out as well.
Hand 3. having raised pre-flop, you have to c-bet on the flop. I may also have bet more on the turn with the paired board.
Hand 4 I fold here also although I probably would have called his initial raise to see the flop and play the hand for set value. Folding if you miss. I would put him on AA/KK maybe AK although I'd be surprised if he pushed with AK. What hands had he been showing. Your reraise and his follow up tells you what you want to know.
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