Absolutley loving the new skin on Absolute . had to adjust the hud which was a bit tricky but hey ho
I ll try and get some comments posted but it seems no one has blogged too much recently
probably me included
Anyway tonights results
NL 1 59 hands +$11.8 $VPIP 13.56 PFR 3.39 Card Dead Honest !!
Nl 50 290 hands +$24.9 $VPIP 20.92 PFR 14.14
I di find absolute quite laggy on the 25 / 50 to be honest maybe that swhy i was a little looser than usual
August to date
11,536 hands +$482.46 V$PIP 18.94 PFR 14.3 af 5.25 2.19 3.05 3.84

Just the one hand that i wanted some comments on please
Hi grinder.
It would be nice to know the villain's stats here, to make a more informed comment.
It strikes me that your pot-sized bet on the turn was only going to get called by a big Ace, or by a set.
A slightly smaller bet might have got action from a King, or even an underpair like QQ or JJ.
I guess it really depends upon whether you want to keep the flush draws around or not. If you are running badly on the session, you probably want to fold-out the flush draws and just take the pot down here, in which case the pot-sized bet was fine.
However, if you are feeling good about the session, a bet of 2/3 pot, which wouldn't have give the villain the correct odds to draw to his flush, would have been better.
Nice set of results for the month do you want to swap them with mine?
With regards to the hand, I might have been tempted to check raise on the Turn here, I certainly don't bet as much. I guess he was drawing to something possible the straight or he had a raggy Ace. What were his stats?
Good solid month to date still see some 100nl in your play tho. I think you should stick to 50nl and move up with 25bi for 100 i dunno if you have that but try stay in 50nl till you got the br for bigger.
The hand.
I dont mind your play it would be sick if you gave a free card and a diamond fell you would have to make a tough decision. Your bet on 4th is a bit big the pot is 20ish i think a bet of 14-18 would seem more reasonable and might get you paid. But again its not a huge mistake its ok to take the pot where you did.
Best of luck for september.
That's a nice graph :).
On the hand, I would have not made the turn bet a pot sized bet, given that your flop bet was smaller than that. I would either overbet the turn to make it look like a bluff or make a 2/3-pot or 1/2-pot bet.
I wouldn't worry too much about the second flush draw that came in, but I would not want to give 2 diamonds a free card. It is possible that he'll look you up with Kx, but really, I'd expect to bet and take this down, which I think is fine.
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