I really didnt feel up to playing much Sunday , but as is always the way i
spent a little time messing around on the computer and ended up trying a bit of heads up . Couple of hit and runs netted me about $40 dollars , im not sure i lke hit and runs !
I opened an account on absolute as ive heard there rakeback and reloads are good.
Also watched the Bystmar $50 100 4 table video.
I have managed to improve my V$PIP and PFR which i think are ok at the moment

Just the one hand here . Initialy i thought it was a cooler , bit after a short instant message , it was pointed out that maybe i could have played it a little differently and that also the river bet , could have meant a whole raft of things .
I think i just got carried away and stopped thinking after the turn as i thought i
had the best hand and that it was unbeatable . Important to study the board at every point i feel .
Nearly reached my August total for hands played , but ill continue at the same pace and see where it takes me . I will revise them slightly and maybe add another goal
I think i may drop down to 2 tables for a couple of sessions in order to concentrate on hand reading and putting villains on ranges
Anyone got any good tips here ?
Good Luck All
Nice numbers on the month so far. I would have thought that playing around 19/15 gives a great chance to make consistent profits.
Regarding the hand, anytime that the board pairs, alarm bells should ring in your head if you are sitting with either a str8 or a flush. Interestingly, the villain had 10 outs to either a boat or quads, so he was getting almost the right price to call your turn raise (certainly the right price, if you count the implied odds that he would win some more money on the river when he hit).
Nice set of results, I wish mine were that good.
I would agree with Rob here, the paired board would be a worry to me as well and I would possibly fold when the second 9 hit as he had outs and also your hand can now be very easily be beaten.
Yeah I've spoke to you about this hand but I'll put my comments again.
If the SB hadn't led out, I'd actually go for a bet/3-bet all-in on this flop. I'm going to be trying to do that with my big draws and my sets from now on (against aggressive opponents).
With the SB leading out, I would definitely raise. The only reason I wouldn't raise is if I thought the original raiser would raise behind me, and then I'd check-raise him. This draw is definitely good enough to go with on the flop.
I'd probably raise bigger on the turn as JT is an unlikely hand for you (gutshot), this is a flop that could have hit him hard. I;d make it at least $12, maybe up to $16 if I thought he'd call.
On the river I flat call his lead. He knows you like your hand because you raised the turn. I don't think he's doing this as a bluff so i would expect to see 98 a lot of the time. Possibly T9, but he might fold that to a strong raise anyway.
Your having a good soild month i think if you can keep out of 100nl till you got the right br it wont be long till your in there for good.
I like dodgykens answer , iam very aggrasive with these on the flop thats where they have the most value. The river is a call but in the heat of the moment i can understand your play.
thanks for these comments guys
really appreciate it
Wow, nice month so far from you. Your graph looks like the inverse of mine :(.
As for the hand, Rob and Martin nailed it, other than I liked the way you played the flop, as I don't mind this being multiway even if the original raiser just calls as well.
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