Sounds cool !! Doesnt mention about stabs at $100 nl though... looks like they are not included.. Thats sad but... i need the dicipline to be frank...whos frank by the way ?
I also want to admit to sucking at blogs at present . This will change . I Certainly have not stopped reading blogs and am still playing pretty frequently . My paint has for some reason stopped working but i will get over to image shack later so ill paste stuff properly
I was up $300 after about 2400 hands nearly 21ptbb but had a cooler on friday night and a little tilt session brought me down to $189 which is not bad but somwhat demoralising after my start . Still, thats... nahh i hate cliches
Later people

I like your bankroll theory especially with regards to withdrawing money at certain points. I think Willie made the comment about withdrawing rake back/bonuses to a separate non poker account which seems like a reasonable idea.
One thing I would say about moving up when you reach a certain level, is that bankroll shouldn't be the only factor you take into consideration before doing so. If you don't think your game is on a good enough shape then don't move up until you've sorted out the area's where your weak.
Good Luck
I have cashed out when i wasent so serious about poker but at the moment i dont want to iam more focoused on moving up. Like Chris said i think cashing out rakeback is good because it dosent hurt my BR and i get rewarded for my play.
Ive looked at that graph and saved it etc and its really good but you have to remember theses are 20yo in school doing these. No commitiments bills etc. I would love to go to school then home and play poker but its just not reality for us.
Thats why i think moving up till a session means +800 is more important than cashing out 100 or 200here and there to get drunk or buy a game. Start saving your rakeback and not have it as part of your roll when its 5k youll have a big :) Buy a holiday for the family!
Best of luck
I've been following the same 30buy-in rule, on my way to the $200NL level. I'm not withdrawing any though. I like it, it's nice to have some structure and solid $$$ goals to aim for.
I've been trying to figure out at what level to start making regular withdrawals for non-poker expenses, and I think that I will start making regular withdrawals at 200NL. I think that you could do it a number of ways, and the way that I am considering is to withdraw a portion of my monthly profit (including rakeback and bonus). Before that, I want to have enough bankroll so that I can move up if I decide my game is good enough for it. It's really important that you don't move up before you are both rolled *and* confident your game is ready....but you also don't have to be good enough to crush the next level for your game to be ready, just confident that you can at least hold your own while you get used to the new level.
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