figures in a previous post . But here are Decembers final results

Its certainly been an interesting year poker wise . I started off in January winning 2 $30 party tournaments with about 300 players for about $3500 . I decided to join cardrunners in a bid to refine my tournament skills an by May / June im playing cash games 50nl
To be honest until recnetly i hadnt felt like i was really achieving much but this month i certainly have had the ive got it moment at 50nl at least
In the strategy section of CR i posted my Stats for the year and got some informative replies about my game . There must have been some Freudian thing going on as on of the replies mentioned STRATEGY !! This is what i have been missing .
I think it was highlighted in a qui by Verneer when he asked what a particular Raise should be after 1 limper My answer was 4BB plus 1 BB for the limper Correct answer
However , there was no reason behind it It was just a robotic thing to do . But it is to isolate the limper , drive out any weaker hands that may be waiting to limp
I think i have been playing poker without any real strategy . I often fail to recognise the strengths or weaknesses of other players and frequently would just play the cards . As opposed to the opponents . I also am working on my hand ranges more too
Any way i think i mentioned that i may take a stab at 100 nl but i think i may stick to 50nl in Jan to see if there has been a movemnet in my play or if it was a lucky month ?
I am over 8.51 BB/100 this month and i know that is good . I have also been very disciplined with my play this month only a couple of times did i stray into 100nl territory
Anyway Happy New Year All
Heres To 2008
Sounds like a good end to the year. Starting off the new one just like this and the only way is up.
Happy New Year
Me again where did you get that Excel spread sheet?
hi willee
i just typed a load of stuff in
if you want an excel copy so you can replace it with your figures
just say so
Nice strong finish to the year!
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