Monday, 31 December 2007
Sunday, 30 December 2007
Im Done With 2007
Ok so thats it for 2007 for me . I have posted the majority of my monthly
figures in a previous post . But here are Decembers final results

Its certainly been an interesting year poker wise . I started off in January winning 2 $30 party tournaments with about 300 players for about $3500 . I decided to join cardrunners in a bid to refine my tournament skills an by May / June im playing cash games 50nl
To be honest until recnetly i hadnt felt like i was really achieving much but this month i certainly have had the ive got it moment at 50nl at least
In the strategy section of CR i posted my Stats for the year and got some informative replies about my game . There must have been some Freudian thing going on as on of the replies mentioned STRATEGY !! This is what i have been missing .
I think it was highlighted in a qui by Verneer when he asked what a particular Raise should be after 1 limper My answer was 4BB plus 1 BB for the limper Correct answer
However , there was no reason behind it It was just a robotic thing to do . But it is to isolate the limper , drive out any weaker hands that may be waiting to limp
I think i have been playing poker without any real strategy . I often fail to recognise the strengths or weaknesses of other players and frequently would just play the cards . As opposed to the opponents . I also am working on my hand ranges more too
Any way i think i mentioned that i may take a stab at 100 nl but i think i may stick to 50nl in Jan to see if there has been a movemnet in my play or if it was a lucky month ?
I am over 8.51 BB/100 this month and i know that is good . I have also been very disciplined with my play this month only a couple of times did i stray into 100nl territory
Anyway Happy New Year All
Heres To 2008
figures in a previous post . But here are Decembers final results

Its certainly been an interesting year poker wise . I started off in January winning 2 $30 party tournaments with about 300 players for about $3500 . I decided to join cardrunners in a bid to refine my tournament skills an by May / June im playing cash games 50nl
To be honest until recnetly i hadnt felt like i was really achieving much but this month i certainly have had the ive got it moment at 50nl at least
In the strategy section of CR i posted my Stats for the year and got some informative replies about my game . There must have been some Freudian thing going on as on of the replies mentioned STRATEGY !! This is what i have been missing .
I think it was highlighted in a qui by Verneer when he asked what a particular Raise should be after 1 limper My answer was 4BB plus 1 BB for the limper Correct answer
However , there was no reason behind it It was just a robotic thing to do . But it is to isolate the limper , drive out any weaker hands that may be waiting to limp
I think i have been playing poker without any real strategy . I often fail to recognise the strengths or weaknesses of other players and frequently would just play the cards . As opposed to the opponents . I also am working on my hand ranges more too
Any way i think i mentioned that i may take a stab at 100 nl but i think i may stick to 50nl in Jan to see if there has been a movemnet in my play or if it was a lucky month ?
I am over 8.51 BB/100 this month and i know that is good . I have also been very disciplined with my play this month only a couple of times did i stray into 100nl territory
Anyway Happy New Year All
Heres To 2008
Saturday, 29 December 2007
December Update - Still Playing
I really dont think its fair to post hands like these but WTF !!
On This Table ? again WTF

I really dont think its fair to post hands like these but WTF !!
On This Table ? again WTF

2007 Summary
Ok . here are my results at 50nl over the last 7 months . I started playing nl in June after a ssnl grinder sugesstion .
The thing im after with these figures is to see if i can spot any leaks from these figures or maybe a reason why i have suddenly started to win this month !!
On the subject of this month i know there has been a significant change in my style but i am maybe looking for something to bacl it up !
September , October and November i know i can include a substantial amount of tilt and inconsistent play due to the change in my lifestyle and lack of order in my life
after selling my chip shop . Anyway these are the figures







The thing im after with these figures is to see if i can spot any leaks from these figures or maybe a reason why i have suddenly started to win this month !!
On the subject of this month i know there has been a significant change in my style but i am maybe looking for something to bacl it up !
September , October and November i know i can include a substantial amount of tilt and inconsistent play due to the change in my lifestyle and lack of order in my life
after selling my chip shop . Anyway these are the figures







Thursday, 27 December 2007
General Update
Well its been a few days since my last update. There's not been a lot happening . The xmas break has been quiet and relaxed and i been fortunate to play a little poker.
Had a little go at 4 tabling again but found it a little to busy for me at present !
Its odd really as i used to 4 table all the time ! 3 tables are no problem but the 4 i find just a little to quick at present .
There haven't been to many big hands for me to lose money on so that's cool and i have been slowly grinding away . Gonna see if i can hit 6k hands this month.
I'm still being disciplined in playing 50nl at the moment so that is good for my BR but I'm sure ill have a little stab at the 100nl before the end of the month
Anyway here are my figures so far this month
Opening Bank Roll $1 438.92
Hands 4934
$ Won /lost $367.16
Closing Bank Roll $1 806.08 7.91 BB
I think im quite pleased at the moment and i am hoping there has been a significant
improvement in my game . But only time will tell here
Anyway Good Luck at the Tables
Had a little go at 4 tabling again but found it a little to busy for me at present !
Its odd really as i used to 4 table all the time ! 3 tables are no problem but the 4 i find just a little to quick at present .
There haven't been to many big hands for me to lose money on so that's cool and i have been slowly grinding away . Gonna see if i can hit 6k hands this month.
I'm still being disciplined in playing 50nl at the moment so that is good for my BR but I'm sure ill have a little stab at the 100nl before the end of the month
Anyway here are my figures so far this month
Opening Bank Roll $1 438.92
Hands 4934
$ Won /lost $367.16
Closing Bank Roll $1 806.08 7.91 BB
I think im quite pleased at the moment and i am hoping there has been a significant
improvement in my game . But only time will tell here
Anyway Good Luck at the Tables
Sunday, 23 December 2007
Developing Progress
I am not sure if i have mentioned it here , but over the last few weeks i have been
trying to refine my play. I been reading verneers blog for a long while now and i always notice that his winning sessions are relatively bigger compared to the number of hands he has played
This got me thinking that he must be doing something fundamentally different ( obviously !! ) whilst playing . I re read a few of his blogs and studied a video again and got back to the playing for stacks thing .
I'm sure he is prepared to play more against some players than others . So i started to pay more attention to particular players who's hud stats were v loose and whose play seemed weak .
I'm not saying i was going to go all in against these players with any 2 cards , but certainly i would be more aggressive , and if i thought i was ahead of their range i would certainly be more prepared to play for stacks !!
Anyway it seems to be reaping rewards . I have had a winning weekend so far despite a massive tilt incident !! .This is one of the intangibles that Dice talks about in the little interview with Verneer .
Here's how it goes . Got home Friday Night , my eyes were very tired after a busy day on the computer all day , but looking forward to playing poker , After tea i have to get my boy to bed but we spend some time together before hand FIFA 2002 is our game at the moment , We plat 2002 as its the last FIFA with the mighty LEEEEEEDS on it . He thrashes me as usual !! Then its a bath and bedtime story . We are on Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince at the moment . We have a deadline of Xmas Eve to finish it but maybe a chapter or two away realistically . So we read two chapters in an effort to get on schedule
By this time my eyes are fucked i mean they really hurt , i spend a few hours with my wife chatting , she goes to bed , i watch a bit of WWE , research for my boy . he likes to know whats going on !!! lol !!!
Eventually i decide to go and play some poker , get 3 50nl tables up and start playing . The screen seems really bright tonight for some reason !! ( Duuhhh... you re eyes fucked and glasses no where to be found ) Getting a little impatient so i fire up a 100nl . im not sure what time it is but i have dimmed the screen and turned the light off so i shut down a couple of 50 nl and just have 1 50nl and 1 100nl
No action...eyes hurting...the player on my right is pissing me off... i can feel the tilt already whilst writing this !! ) Ahh JJ this will piss him off... The short stacks playing as well . MMM not sure i like the flop . What... hes bet fuck it ill call... Hes bet again...fuck it ill call . Jesus my eyes are really hurting . Fuck me the short stacks all in. Hes called AAAhh Fuck it ALL IN....Shit hes got KK
Computer off
here's the hand
No thought here ... pure tiredness and shit play
anyway that's how i donked off $100
back to the weekend and after Friday night i got back into my new style , attacking some weak players and winning instead of donking off chips
So after that long story here's where we are
Opening Bankroll $1 438.92
Hands 4302
Dollars WON/lost $ 332.78
Closing Bankroll $ 1 771.70
one i am really pleased about here is that last night i won a $100 pot at 100nl to even out the one i lost on Friday so im even at 100nl . This means my winnings here are purely at 50 nl so i think thats good
Anyway maybe the last post before xmas , but be sure to check out Inspirions blog on cr aod Dodgygykens and Verneers , these guys are definitely people we can learn from big time
good luck the tables
trying to refine my play. I been reading verneers blog for a long while now and i always notice that his winning sessions are relatively bigger compared to the number of hands he has played
This got me thinking that he must be doing something fundamentally different ( obviously !! ) whilst playing . I re read a few of his blogs and studied a video again and got back to the playing for stacks thing .
I'm sure he is prepared to play more against some players than others . So i started to pay more attention to particular players who's hud stats were v loose and whose play seemed weak .
I'm not saying i was going to go all in against these players with any 2 cards , but certainly i would be more aggressive , and if i thought i was ahead of their range i would certainly be more prepared to play for stacks !!
Anyway it seems to be reaping rewards . I have had a winning weekend so far despite a massive tilt incident !! .This is one of the intangibles that Dice talks about in the little interview with Verneer .
Here's how it goes . Got home Friday Night , my eyes were very tired after a busy day on the computer all day , but looking forward to playing poker , After tea i have to get my boy to bed but we spend some time together before hand FIFA 2002 is our game at the moment , We plat 2002 as its the last FIFA with the mighty LEEEEEEDS on it . He thrashes me as usual !! Then its a bath and bedtime story . We are on Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince at the moment . We have a deadline of Xmas Eve to finish it but maybe a chapter or two away realistically . So we read two chapters in an effort to get on schedule
By this time my eyes are fucked i mean they really hurt , i spend a few hours with my wife chatting , she goes to bed , i watch a bit of WWE , research for my boy . he likes to know whats going on !!! lol !!!
Eventually i decide to go and play some poker , get 3 50nl tables up and start playing . The screen seems really bright tonight for some reason !! ( Duuhhh... you re eyes fucked and glasses no where to be found ) Getting a little impatient so i fire up a 100nl . im not sure what time it is but i have dimmed the screen and turned the light off so i shut down a couple of 50 nl and just have 1 50nl and 1 100nl
No action...eyes hurting...the player on my right is pissing me off... i can feel the tilt already whilst writing this !! ) Ahh JJ this will piss him off... The short stacks playing as well . MMM not sure i like the flop . What... hes bet fuck it ill call... Hes bet again...fuck it ill call . Jesus my eyes are really hurting . Fuck me the short stacks all in. Hes called AAAhh Fuck it ALL IN....Shit hes got KK
Computer off
here's the hand
No thought here ... pure tiredness and shit play
anyway that's how i donked off $100
back to the weekend and after Friday night i got back into my new style , attacking some weak players and winning instead of donking off chips
So after that long story here's where we are
Opening Bankroll $1 438.92
Hands 4302
Dollars WON/lost $ 332.78
Closing Bankroll $ 1 771.70
one i am really pleased about here is that last night i won a $100 pot at 100nl to even out the one i lost on Friday so im even at 100nl . This means my winnings here are purely at 50 nl so i think thats good
Anyway maybe the last post before xmas , but be sure to check out Inspirions blog on cr aod Dodgygykens and Verneers , these guys are definitely people we can learn from big time
good luck the tables
Saturday, 22 December 2007
Thursday, 20 December 2007
MMM not sure what the title is supposed to mean ... but over the past few weeks , i feel my play has changed for the better...
i have been reading a few blogs and studying them as well as watching Fabians video...i always notice that when verneer posts his figures he has always seemed to win quite a lot compared to his session number of hands...
for me that sort of suggests that he is doing something fundamentally different
whilst playing...i went over a few of his videos and stuff and i think / know he is
prepared to play more aggressively against particular players than others
i have sort of been trying to tighten up early and play more aggressively against weaker players especially from lp...i think i am making progress...
tonight will be the big test as the weekend is usually when i tend to lose through the bad beats and coolers so i will be paying particular attention
anyway heres an update
starting bankroll $1438.92
hands played 3599
S WON / lost $258.50
closing bankroll $1697.42
good luck at the tables
oh check out inspirions blog its cool
i have been reading a few blogs and studying them as well as watching Fabians video...i always notice that when verneer posts his figures he has always seemed to win quite a lot compared to his session number of hands...
for me that sort of suggests that he is doing something fundamentally different
whilst playing...i went over a few of his videos and stuff and i think / know he is
prepared to play more aggressively against particular players than others
i have sort of been trying to tighten up early and play more aggressively against weaker players especially from lp...i think i am making progress...
tonight will be the big test as the weekend is usually when i tend to lose through the bad beats and coolers so i will be paying particular attention
anyway heres an update
starting bankroll $1438.92
hands played 3599
S WON / lost $258.50
closing bankroll $1697.42
good luck at the tables
oh check out inspirions blog its cool
Monday, 17 December 2007
Sunday, 16 December 2007
Progress - December
Ok This is more for myself than anyone else
Just a record of my progress hands played etc etc
Bankroll Start December $1438.92
Hands played 3 303
Dollars Won / Lost $ 152.67
Current Bankroll $1591.59
I am a little dissapointed , had a poor weekend mainly due to a little tilt ,
went down as low as $102 due to some short stack suckouts , but made a sweet comeback .
Anyway progress on the blog
Later people
Just a record of my progress hands played etc etc
Bankroll Start December $1438.92
Hands played 3 303
Dollars Won / Lost $ 152.67
Current Bankroll $1591.59
I am a little dissapointed , had a poor weekend mainly due to a little tilt ,
went down as low as $102 due to some short stack suckouts , but made a sweet comeback .
Anyway progress on the blog
Later people
Verneer pointed me to inspirions blog and this... Basically i must get to 3k before i play $100 nl... The plan is thus... get to $2500 withdraw $500... from $2000 get to $3000 withdraw $500... from $2500 get to $3500 withdraw $500... Start $100nl with $3000
Sounds cool !! Doesnt mention about stabs at $100 nl though... looks like they are not included.. Thats sad but... i need the dicipline to be frank...whos frank by the way ?
I also want to admit to sucking at blogs at present . This will change . I Certainly have not stopped reading blogs and am still playing pretty frequently . My paint has for some reason stopped working but i will get over to image shack later so ill paste stuff properly
I was up $300 after about 2400 hands nearly 21ptbb but had a cooler on friday night and a little tilt session brought me down to $189 which is not bad but somwhat demoralising after my start . Still, thats... nahh i hate cliches
Later people
Sounds cool !! Doesnt mention about stabs at $100 nl though... looks like they are not included.. Thats sad but... i need the dicipline to be frank...whos frank by the way ?
I also want to admit to sucking at blogs at present . This will change . I Certainly have not stopped reading blogs and am still playing pretty frequently . My paint has for some reason stopped working but i will get over to image shack later so ill paste stuff properly
I was up $300 after about 2400 hands nearly 21ptbb but had a cooler on friday night and a little tilt session brought me down to $189 which is not bad but somwhat demoralising after my start . Still, thats... nahh i hate cliches
Later people

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