Since the last proper blog back in October i have had a hectic time. For those of you who don't know i sold one of my Chip Shops about 10 Weeks ago . What you don't know is that 10 Years before that i worked as an Assistant Accountant for a Large Security Company.
During the months preceding the sale of my shop i hand been doing Temporary Accounting work at a Local Government Office and was due to start a Permanent Job . Nice Salary an extremely cushy lifestyle sort of 9.30 till 4.30 plus one of my oldest friends was the Principal Accountant so all seemed sweet.
Then about 3 days after my last blog i got an approach from an agency about a position in a town where i used to Work , I said send me some more details and they promptly replied telling me it was for the company i worked for before i went into the Chip Shop business . They said it was an Assistant Accountants role and after reading the spec i told the Agency that this was virtually the same role i had 10 years ago
This was on the Wednesday before i started my new job on the Monday . I asked them what the next step was and they phoned me back and said could i start Monday !!
Fuck Me what a predicament
Any way after lengthy discussions with my Wife and Boss/Friend i decided that the offer was to good to refuse and took the plunge . And so its been 5 weeks now and fuck me have i been working. It seems that my old boss the Financial Director has
not changed one bit, in the 6 months he has managed to lose 2 Accountants with about
5 years experience and 2 Assistants as well and has an Accountant who has been there for just 3 months controlling the Department where i used to work
This poor guy has been so used to the temps doing the work for him so that now they have all gone he is really struggling . I mean work isn't really in his nature which doesn't bode well for his future i feel . Me on the other hand i have been working to pretty much 8 most evenings now as there is so much work to do and judging by the
state of Novembers Month end Schedule there is tons to do .
So that is pretty much why i have not been blogging . The last couple of weeks i have been in at 8.30 ish and in bed at 9 Knackered . And as a result my poker has suffered
To be honest it has been suffering since i left the Chip shop . My levels of concentration have been sadly lacking and once you check out my river aggression it pretty much explains my losses during October. Not wishing to make excuses but some of my play was i thought pretty good but i have not been able to take a bad beat without pretty much losing a stack soon afterwards .
Anyway check out the figures

So there is a lot of Tilt in here which sadly comes from my lack of schedule
I had a few goals in November that i was nowhere near achieving but it looks like a
pretty poor performance to me. There were some positive .Managed to get a couple fo study sessions in with a study group . Watched a verneer 6 table 100 nl which helped my game a lot and one of his posts about his dog was very interesting and hopefully that will help me with my main goal at the moment which is Hand Ranges .
November is going ok . I have won a $100 from just over 1300 hands and i am now only playing 2 tables until i am happy with my hand range forecasting
Any way apologies for the lack of posting but i have been busy and i have still been following all the blogs . around 25 of them for me and here's hoping this will give me a little momentum .
Good luck at the tables
Getting a wage every week is more importanat than worrying about the amount of hands we get in. I think once you get into a rotuine with your new job poker will find its place. Good to have you posting again.
Welcome back! Until you're ready to turn pro, work has to come first, unfortunately, so just get the hands in when you can. I go through pretty dry patches to, due to work and family. What I will do is make sure that I am still thinking about the game, either through reading blogs, forums, videos, books, whatever. Then when you get back on the tables, it's not so bad. Hope the job settles down to something a bit more reasonable for you!
Graham you don't work for the same company as me do you it sounds all 2 familiar. I've had 5 FD's 4 Financial Controller's and 5 General Manager's in the last year and we're a profitable company with minimal liabilities. I dread to think what would happen if we were doing badly. Hopefully things will settle down soon.
At the end of the day, paying the bills has to come before what at our level is only a hobby.
As Marc says if your thinking about the game etc then that will do you alot of good even if your not playing much currently.
Hi Graham,
I work quite a bit of overtime too, generally 50-60 hour weeks but sometimes more. There's always times where poker has to take the back seat for a while, and that's all good. I agree with what Willie said, once you get into a routine with your new job you will find a place for poker. Your format for studying and playing might have to change a bit, but it'll find its place.
I think shifting down to 2 tables is a good idea. When I come in from a 12 hour shift and try to play 4-tables I find that I'm not actually thinking, I'm just clicking buttons. It's not really expected that you can work so hard and come home and be able to concentrate on that many tables at once, so bringing it down to 2 sounds like a good plan, more chilled out.
Also, I'd be interested to hear how Verneers dog will be helping with hand ranges? I want one of those dogs :)
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