Ok Where To Start !!
March was probably one of the worst months i have had since i started playing cash games last June ans it has taken me this long to recover in order to post to my blog
I had high expectations of myself and they certainly did not materialise
The first problem i had was losing my poker tracker records which sort of tilted me
for a few days .
Then i had 2 weeks where i lost al the time at 50nl , lots of tilt play which stemmed from a bad beat that i could not cope with. Forunately for me i won a few hands at 100nl and one big hand at 200nl where i probably only played 15 hands AA held up against QQ
My major problems are calling down hands that i really should not be in to start with and also my small blind play is very poor and i am playing way too many hands
from this position.
On thing i have noticed though was that my big wins and big losses sort of netted themselves out so i am confused as to where i lost the money , thinking back probably in calling turn bets too much then folding on the river ,
This month tarted off a little better but i am still a couple of buy ins down at 50nl and sadly i have turned into a nit playing 17 15 or 16 14 i know thats no way to play for sure .
Anyway hopefully i can recover and post a better month this month
Apologies for the lack of updates but i just didnt have it in me
Anyway Good luck at the tables
Graham Sorry about how things went in March. Hopefully things turn around in April.
I have a similar issue with calling things down when I know I'm behind. Usually with 1 pair. So much so that I have for the most part started folding to resistance on the Turn/River when I have 1 pair for the most part. There's a comment Dodgy made on my blog a while back which I kind of lost site of which states "A Raise on the Turn Usually Means 1 Pair is Beaten". I'm making an assumption that this is what your doing apologies if this isn't the case. There is nothing wrong with folding what could be the best hand if you think your beaten.
I've got a suggestion for you for you on the SB. It looks like your completing to much. Instead of completing, if the pot is unraised and the BB folds alot to Steal attempt why not try raising or just folding.
Finally alot of what your going through nay be variance but I'm starting to think certainly with my game that I've got serious issues I need to work at causing these poor spells.
I'm going to start posting alot more hands on the group forum may be its an idea for you to do the same.
Good luck for April.
Hi Chris
completing the blind is for sure a big leak
its been so since i started !! the sooner i realize the better for me
i am seriously focusing on my position this month although its goig to b from now on that i do it as i have already been completing too much
i am also going to cut down from 4 to 2 or 3 tables as definately play better with less
i ll make note of dodgys comment
thanks chris
good luck
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