Firstly i want to apologise for the lack of updates and blogs and for my poor participation within my group , Hoever i hope ill be forgiven as i have been concentrating on a shed load of hands this month ( for me that is !! )
Since i started playing NL back in June / July one of my biggest challenges has been to reduce the difference between VPIP and PFR , i have tried everything , at least i thought i had !!
Towards the end of January i had sort of had enough , not of poker !! but of not being able to work this out . I was convinced there was no need for any coaching whatsoever until i had sorted this out !! And i was also convinced that the comment that misanthorpic got on one of his posts in January about how a coach could sort out a few problems etc etc was completely wrong .
How wrong i was !!
Late in January i arranged to sessions with a coach to see if he could help
I have had coaching on a few occasions previoulsy but they sort of took a cut and played your hands for you , that sort of thing .It never really worked for me .
Anyway this was different !! within a session i had already been set upon my path
to reducing the difference between my VPIP & PFR although it was through changing my style a little . Im not sure what went on but it really changed my understanding of the game .
I had a great start to Feb and reached a high of 7 buyins only to experience a 10 buyin downswing from my peak until the second coaching session when he re corrected some of my mistakes which i had been slowly falling back into and the rest of Feb was pretty comfortable , at least thats how i feel
I feel a little enlightened and cannot wait for March and although i have said this many times i am hoping March will be the real deal
I intend to get in more sweats take part in my forum more too anyway that the update for now
Heres to March everyone and Good Luck !!
anyone know how to resize all this stuff i hate that it looks so bad !!
Hey graham good work I think we really hit a turning point today andI am expecting big things out of you in march - keep up all of the hard work, it is going to pay off!
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