Well that went well then !!
Obviously not , As usual there are positives
1 i played over 11,000 hands , which for me is quite a lot , so thats good
2.........hang on.........there must be another
MMMM nothing springs too mind
Anyway , to be honest i felt like i was playing ok for most of the time
there was a really bad start , which i sort of recovered from and then went on a 14 buyin downswing ,and the a semi recovery
Part of the downswing was due to 2 session of 8 tabling madness where i was convinced that i could recover as i was playing ok !!! yep... i honestly thought that
My aim in Januaty was to reduce the difference between my PFR and VPIP
as well as continuing on from December , However i think the problem in my game is i am too tight from the Cutoff and the Button .
I think if i had aimed to open up more from these positions more and maybe called a little less that would have solved my problem .Any way thats what i will be working on over the next few weeks.
During the month i became an analytical madman and started analysing everything
possible . Check out my daily Excel figures !!
Also did a couple of sweats with Baz which were cool .
Anyway despite my poor results i think this has been a learning month and like
Rasputin i am learning the hard way ( its good for the soul , you know )
and i am becoming more comfortable with my play . i hope..
On a lighter note my wife is back from Cyprus and i think the news is positive . Her Father,s cancer whilst progressive is treatable and they are starting straight away
They think the results will be noticable immediately and could extend his life by 2 or more years . Which for an 82 year old is i suppose is good
Anyway Good luck at the tables for Feb
Graham pleased to hear that there is more encouraging news about your Father In Law
On to the poker, it looks like a few of us had a bit of an interesting start to the year to say the least. Its month's like this where we learn more and have to go through in order to improve. I just don't want too many of them!!!
I would agree with you about your Button/Cut off VPIP's and opening up more from here.
One thing I noticed is that there is a 10pt gap between your VPIP and PFR figures from the SB which would indicate to me that your making up the SB too often. Obviously there are situations when this is fine, but more often than not I think you should be raising or folding from the SB instead of calling.
Good luck for February
thanks for the comments Chris
much appreciated
i think chris took the words right out of my mouth. it's good to have some positive news on our father-in-law!
as for the poker, i think you might be playing too much from the small blind as well. i don't however, think that the problem in your game is being too tight from the CO and Button.
maybe you can loosen that up if you want to, but i don't look at those stats and think "problem territory".
MP looks like a problem. the number of hands you're playing from there, combined with the results makes me think you ought to look into that.
8-tabling is just wayyy over my head. i can't play 4 tables sharply.
good luck on getting things back in a steady upward motion!
trust me at the moment 8 tabling is way over my head !!!
for sure
Good to hear about your Farther in Law the big C is a bitch good to hear its treatable.
I think your stats look ok your co/btn maybe tight but your winning there i know everone loses in the blinds but thats whats killing your game maybe review a few hands form each position to see whats happening.
GL with FEB
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