Sunday, 20 July 2008


so its been a short while since my last post so ill try and update everyone on whats going on

the repair to my pc is taking a little longer than expected so i have to use my laptop

this means i can only play realistically for me just the 2 tables so i have only played around 3500 hands although its at 3bb for about $100 so thats not too bad

on the studying side of things i have read the first 5 chapters of poker mindset
and its pretty cool to say the least , i really am developing the habit of trying to
make the right decision , and am less aware of the results

i also have been revisiting my pre flop play and have hopefully got the right mix
my post flop is improving too so more good news

and i have a new coach , yet to start my first lesson but thats too come

anyway , trying to keep up with all the blogs , will post some hands soon

later all


Gregory Lynn said...

Would you recommend Poker Mindset?

I have considered purchasing it from time to time but never actually done it.

Gregory Lynn said...

Oh hey, available with Full Tilt Points...that's a no brainer. Even if the book sucks I can burn it and make smores.

Marc said...

So who's the coach?