Saturday, 15 March 2008

Hand Ranges Additions

Hi These are hands ranges of an unknown person !!! lol !!!

Im sure it doesnt matter at the stakes i play at present

Does anyone have any additions or would anyone replace any hands
The yellow represents the utg ranges and the blue represents the late pos range

i thnk this is your standard 20 /18 type player

Hand Ranges Additions

Saturday, 8 March 2008

Dissapointed !!

Well this week has been a bit of a dissapointment to be honest and i just need to get this off my chest !!

Although its not really the week but , mainly this morning , Saturday am , that has me feeling like this

I try to play FT early in the mornings and late at night if i can and this mornings session went pretty crappy , i ran KK into AA early in the session.

Now i will nevere ever ever fold KK preflop NEVER !!! but i just resigned myself to losing , i was on the button the guy play 11/8 in the bb had 3 bet my $2 dollar raise , i 4 bet him to $17 he went all in ! AA for sure so i had too call

This must have tilted me as i made to poor calls afterwards whilst trying to regain my money ( thats an obvious sign of tilt !! )

One was to a guy playing 74 / 40 on a K7Q9 board rainbow ish he went all in with
his $285 stack after my double barrel bet of about $8 , i was convinced he had nothing....mmmmmm trip 9s are not nothing . I had K7

Strange as i very rarely make thes donkish type calls

The second one was a sb raise when i was holding AQs , i re raised to $6 and he went allin , His AK held up !!

Hopefully ive gotten these stupid calls out of my system , hence the need to write about them

Earlier in the week i deleted my pokertracker database but luckiilly i had recored the daily play in my spreadsheet . Here are the results so far , im am dissapointed !!

So all in all a pretty donkish week . Im just going to go outside and scream really loudly !!

Donk Hand 1

Donk Hand2

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Random Story - Relevant Though

I come from a Rugby town . Gloucetser ! I think at one stage in recent history , Gloucestershire had more Rugby teams per square foot and per poplation than anywhere else in the world , I think that may still apply.

However my love was football so as a pretty talented footballer it was difficult getting any sort of recognition . As a teenager who loved the game i probably spent as much time playing rugby as i did football !!

As i grew older , late teens early twentys , i was fortunate to play with a group of
pretty talent players , one in particular shone !! sadly he was a little small at around 16 17 18 when most pros would be picked . As a gruop of friends we all had varying levels of succes at semi pro footbal .

It sounds really strange but seemingly weeks after his 21st birthday our talented friend suudenly shot up from around 5ft 5 to a massive 6ft 1 , outrageous !!

Anyway this could do nothing but improve his chances of making it to the dizzy heights of proffesional football , we had all heard of Kevin Keegan back then
started playing pro football at 23 !! so we still had a chance

Finally despite a series of unfortunate events i.e postponemnet of a trial , acceptance of a trial and then the sacking of the manager who was about to employ him , he finally made it ( thats a story about determination , maybe another time )

After about 8 to 9 months we were wondering when he was going to play his first game . The season in which he was signed had almost finished , he said he didnt know and that it may be the following season . When we enquired as to what he had been doing his Frustrated cry was " Theyve stuck me in the F&$+ing GYM " They said im to weak

Jsesus !! was our answer , man this guy in our eyes was nt weak no way , but anyway that was what they had done to him nearly a whole season in the gym developing his physique . We could nt believe it, but hey who are we to question professionals !!

So in our wisdom off we went to the gym and incorporated it into our schedules

The relevance !! for goodness sake i here you cry !!

WELL !! weightlifting at the gym is all about pumping iron !! right !! WRONG

Weightlifting , Bodybuilding is not just about pumping iron , in factsome people would argue its only about 50% the other half !! well thats down to dieting and discipline too

If we took my time available to play poker in my current climate , man would i be pumping some iron , and seeing the results right !! Wrong again

Im pumping iron all right but there is not much dicipline and im on a poor poor diet .

So one of my goals this month is to review my hands and study nearly as much as
i play or at least 25%of the time . Poker is as we all know not just about playing
which i have been guilty of in the past but hopefully not in the future

Man that was a long story for a short point !!

Saturday, 1 March 2008

February....Results & Progress

Well February is over and here are the obligatory figures !! Sadly the presentation is not the greatest , however the content is there

Firstly i want to apologise for the lack of updates and blogs and for my poor participation within my group , Hoever i hope ill be forgiven as i have been concentrating on a shed load of hands this month ( for me that is !! )

Since i started playing NL back in June / July one of my biggest challenges has been to reduce the difference between VPIP and PFR , i have tried everything , at least i thought i had !!

Towards the end of January i had sort of had enough , not of poker !! but of not being able to work this out . I was convinced there was no need for any coaching whatsoever until i had sorted this out !! And i was also convinced that the comment that misanthorpic got on one of his posts in January about how a coach could sort out a few problems etc etc was completely wrong .

How wrong i was !!

Late in January i arranged to sessions with a coach to see if he could help
I have had coaching on a few occasions previoulsy but they sort of took a cut and played your hands for you , that sort of thing .It never really worked for me .

Anyway this was different !! within a session i had already been set upon my path
to reducing the difference between my VPIP & PFR although it was through changing my style a little . Im not sure what went on but it really changed my understanding of the game .

I had a great start to Feb and reached a high of 7 buyins only to experience a 10 buyin downswing from my peak until the second coaching session when he re corrected some of my mistakes which i had been slowly falling back into and the rest of Feb was pretty comfortable , at least thats how i feel

I feel a little enlightened and cannot wait for March and although i have said this many times i am hoping March will be the real deal

I intend to get in more sweats take part in my forum more too anyway that the update for now

Heres to March everyone and Good Luck !!