Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Stuck - I think

OK as with a few other bloggers i have been neglecting my blog over the past few weeks .

Although i had not planned to do much last week in the way of poker i managed to play approx 4000 hands although not much progress was made in the way of recouping my losses . In fact i probably lost more .

After reading Spark99s blog i decided that one of my problems was the lack of hands i play .

I mean since June I have racked up about 45k for a profit of $850 yet in comparison to some that is what they play in a month !!

So my solution was to buy another monitor and try 8 tabling lol . I'm not sure how its going as i am short on comparisons . Last night though i played over1700 hands for a loss of $73. I had a couple of coolers which was a shame as i thought i handled the tables OK .

The problem i think i am having is knowing where i am in this game at the moment
As i have only played cash games seriously for 4 months and with that only about 45k hands.

I am going to make a few posts on the Cr forum to find out about leaks and the most common ones that occur .

Anyway result's so far hands 10,571 V$PIP 19.75 PFR 12.48 $-393 pfr needs to improve here

Another set of stats which i will enquire about on Cr are the $ lost when went to showdown , for me , in the blinds its $-1309 , when not in the blinds its -$409 is this a leak ?

This is the sort of thing i really need to know !

Monday, 17 September 2007

Half Way Through September

Long Blog !!

So Its just about halfway through the month , and probably a good time to review things to get an indication of how its been going so far .

To be honest last week was difficult , AGAIN , my first session lasted about an hour and a half , i was card dry and by the end of the session i went all in with ak on a rag board to be called ny JJ and by then had lost about 2 buyins . That was Tuesday and then Wednesday morning i played a 100 nl heads up game and lost a buyin when my AK on A 9 4 board failed against 10 10 when the guy hit a 10 on the turn .But i think i played the hand ok , so no complaints there .

For the rest of the week i struggled to find the right time to play and decided to just watch a couple of fruity pro videos , re jigged my hud and basically tried to work out what was going on with my game and things .

The answers i am pretty much sure lie in my timetable . The tables are much harder earlier in the evening uk time and then there is the other problem of getting into a table at Absolute at that time . It seems as though everyone is looking for a 50 nl table and you cant get one for love nor money !!

This means that the table selection is poor and much harder to 4 table , for me anyway . So i had to make a few rules and change the format . If i play early in the evening i will only play 2 tables and 4 if i play later in the evening . The 2 tableing helps me with hand ranges which i am struggling with at the moment , but that is the area i need to work on so thats not a problem .

Anyway so far this month i have played a dissapointing 4462 hands which meant i played only 1624 hands since last week and 683 were last night !! Her i felt i had a good session on Absolute winning about a buyin . My V$PIP and PFR are 19.65 and 12.51 so i can work on that . Position stats are much better although from the first week my sb is dreadful. I am at -$297 but that has been below -$400 so i see that as a sort of recovery form my poor start to the week .

I played a couple of sit and gos and a couple of tourney as well only small ones but it sort of made me realize how much of a grind the cash games are and how you must be prepared mentally and physically too. You must make sure you bring your A game to the tables . I thik August took a bit out of me and i am still coming to grips with my new lifestyle so this is effecting my play also .

I am pretty sure i had not been enjoying my poker over the last coupl of weeks and that may have been one reason for the poor play . This was confirmed when i played acouple of SnGs and i really enjoyed them along with the tourneys . I just needed a smallbreak and a little change of scenerey . This may continue into this week but ill see how it goes .

I Dont want to sound drepressing or anything like that but im learning a few lessons at the moment that are uncomfortable to me ( like losing $ ) but i think they say that the most succefull jockey's are also the ones that have lost the most races ?
At least i think they say that .

Anyway im not making any big plans this week , im just trying to play around with scheduling the games , i have been reading all the blogs . Spark99 form the PIFs is worth a read as he just stepping up to 100nl . Also im going to buy the full tilt book and Professional no limit holdem which i havent got yet to see if i can pick up some hints and tips

Just one hand to post that i played this morning . I was in MP and raised it up like you do . Standard c bet and then this re raise . I mean i was toying with the idea of calling , but i just couldnt think he had though i had missed and was re raising with air i mean this is a big re raise ( i thought ) i put him on trips to be honest or is this an aggressive flush draw raise . Thoughts please

Seat 1: Deadly5s ($10.50)
Seat 2: UrWifeLovesMe ($49.75)
Seat 3: Suburban BAyy ($56.45)
Seat 4: soltana ($50.95)
Seat 5: HERO ($48)
Seat 6: DMJET ($45.90), is sitting out
UrWifeLovesMe posts the small blind of $0.25
Suburban BAyy posts the big blind of $0.50
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to HERO [9s Ts]
soltana folds
HERO raises to $1.75
Deadly5s calls $1.75
UrWifeLovesMe folds
Suburban BAyy calls $1.25

*** FLOP *** [4s 5d Td]
Suburban BAyy checks
HERO bets $4.50
Deadly5s folds
Suburban BAyy raises to $12
HERO has 15 seconds left to act
HERO has requested TIME
HERO folds
Uncalled bet of $7.50 returned to Suburban BAyy
Suburban BAyy mucks
Suburban BAyy wins the pot ($13.80)

Good Luck At The Tables !!

Monday, 10 September 2007

Interesting Insights

If you have read my last blog youll probably know that i had been having a turbulent week . Thats probably the best way to describe it . Sadly my paint programe is not working so i cant show screen pics.I have all the details and have been reviewing the last 9 days and they have shown up some interesting insights into my play last week.

My figures are as follows. Sadly i have only managed to play 2838 hands so far , after a manical start i slowed right down . I 1 tabled 100 nl and on occasions 1 or 2 tables the 50 nl in order to bring some sanity back to my week .

My VSPIP is at 20.54 which is slightly higher than it should be . The disorganised routine that i had lead to me probably playing looser than i should .

My PFR has dropped by about 25% to 12.47 . I think the major reason here is lack of confidence and calling raises more as opposed to raising. this was really interesting to discover as although i probaly was aware i wasnt paying that much attention

I have lost $191.97 to date , i had been down to -$323 , but i am expexcting this to change and become a positive . This will give me a good indication into my ability at this level

Another poor figure is my Small Blind % which is currently 30.30 . Again this illustrates how your play changes with lack of confidence . Its obvious i am completing the blind in order to hit a hand to win back my lost $ , -EV for sure here.

So while reviewing the last 9 days i got an insight into some interesting factors about my play and its also reminded me of a story about the guy who had this really , really expensive piano , but it was out of tune and had not been tuned for a a very long time . He obviously called the piano tuner who spent an absolute age
tuning it . He presented him with the bill and said " Ill see you in a weeks time then " the guy nearly fell off his chair " what do you mean , youll see me in a weeks time " he replied " I thought you just tuned it !! " . The Piano tuner then went on to explain that the strings were set in a certain position and would return there quite soon . They would need fine tuning over the next few weeks and then gradually over the coming months the time in between tuning the strings would increase as they adapted to there knew positions .

Its a little bit like somone going on a massive run and then saying " right thats it i , wont need to excersice ever again , i done my run and that will last for a while " it doesnt work like that . Things have to be worked on constantly and its the same with this mad game of poker . You constantly have to adjust your play to how it should be and this is done by annalysing how you are playing

Another thing that i am going to do is a weekly review . At least that way i can fool myself into thinking if i start winning this week then i will be winning in order to help the confidence . As i think somomone once told me there is not much difference between real and pretend feelings

Good Luck At The Tables

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Reflecting on Bad Play

Well its been a poor start to September for me so far , sadly , mainly due to my poor play . It certainly has got me thinking more and more about this game of poker .

A few months ago before this cr experiment i would try and sneak a few mins here and a few mins there of poker , my lifestyle was such that it was easy to play for short spells at a time , but this lacked preparation and goals , the former absolutely essential when playing .

This resulted in a pretty inconsistent set of results over several months . I am very keen to move up to 50 / 100 nl and so i had a lesson from a coach . This pretty much involved watching his style and replicating it which i did with success .

Around the same time the blogger experiment started and i had a disatorous July
I think down to lack of preparation and maybe overconfidence .

August was a turning point , although i did nt move up i certainly grinded out some results and the way i did this was pleasing . I could feel myself learning and understanding all the time .

So whats gone wrong ? i here you ask . Routine is my reply !! You may have caught on that i have been working in chip shops , nearly ten years now !! 30 000 bags of spuds later , i have sold the one where i worked . Whilst it was long hours i would come home at about 11pm and then start a little rolutin of playing poker , reviewing a session and then blogging and then the same again .

Now i have sold the shop i get home at around 5.30 ish and look to play a little bit here and there through the evening , no planing , no preparation , NO PROFIT !!

I have managed to lose 5 buyins so far which is a lot for me , admittedly there have been have been a couple of $100 dollar all ins , one on a tripp 5 i lost to a higher kicker and another when i had ak on an AK9 board only to lose to trip 9s , however on aech occasion the guy goes all in and i call . Without being funny it is obvious that i am way behind on both occasions but i still call like a fish . Oh and i played a hu $100 game against a guy called sbrugby dont know who he is but he did quite well against me . Personally i think he was playing well below his limit !!

Anyway i think the point of this post is to remind myself that you cant just mess about here , there and everywhere when playing poker and expect to win . It has to be the PPPPPP way proper preparation prevents piss poor performance.

More posts later in the week I may even post some resu;ts if there not too embarassing

GL All

Monday, 3 September 2007

September Goals

Its been a busy weekend for me this weekend and havent managed to play much , pretty knackered if i must say .

Here are my September goals

Play 12000 hands and win +$650 or
Play 16000 hands and win +$950

I have put down 2 lots of hands this month as im not sure which is the more realistic . There has been a pretty big change in my lifestyle with the sale of the chippy , so i am not sure how things will develope this month . I know for certain that I will need a strict routine in order to suceed and this may take a week or two to develope

I am going to use September hopefuly to consolodate and get a solid month in.
I am going to maintain my Position and V$PIP / PFR play this month

I will be concentrating more on hand reading

I am also going to focus on my c betting an introduce floating too my game

These will be my goals for September